
петак, 24. март 2023.


Ser. Math. Inform. 24 (2009), 1–13

Professor Stojan M. Bogdanović
(Drawing by Dragoslav Živković)

Miroslav Ćirić, Jelena Ignjatović, and Žarko Popović

Received June 28, 2009.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 01A70; Secondary 03E72, 06B, 06F, 08A, 08B, 20M, 68Q
Supported byMinistry of Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 14401112 M. ´Ciri´c, J. Ignjatovi´c, and ˇZ. Popovi´c

This year, students and friends of Stojan Bogdanovi´c celebrated his 65 birthday.
Stojan was born on June 21, 1944, in Veliko Bonjince, Babuˇsnica, Serbia. His education
started with primary schooling in Knjaˇzevac, where he also finished gymnasium.
Stojan graduated in Mathematics at the University of Belgrade in 1968, and
specialized in Axiomatic set theory at the University of Paris VII, in 1974/75. He
defended his Ph.D. thesis at the University of Novi Sad in 1980, under supervision
of Svetozar Mili´c, who also supervised majority of the most known algebraists in
His professional life Stojan began as a gymnasiumteacher in Panˇcevo (1968-77),
and after that he worked at the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University
of Novi Sad, where he was promoted to assistant professorship in 1981.Moving to
the Faculty of Economics, University of Niˇs, in 1986-87, he became a full professor
there in 1989. Now, he is also a teacher at doctoral studies at the Faculty of Science
and Mathematics and Teacher-Training Faculty, University of Niˇs.
Themost of Stojan’s scientific career has been devoted to semigroups.He began
research in this area by considering problems of VonNeumann’s regularity in semigroups
and rings. This subject in his research extends to the present time, and one
of themost valuable resultswas obtained in [136],where itwas shown that the regularity
of semigroups can be defined by linear equations in exactly fourteen ways.
This generalizes the well-known Croisot theory presented in the Clifford and Preston’s
book [The Algebraic Theory of Semigroups, Vol. 1, Amer. Math. Soc., 1961].
In 1982 Stojan started a systematic study of the -regularity, a natural generalization
of regularity, where an element may not be regular, but some its power is regular
(cf. [30]). The class of -regular semigroups is a very important and a quite wide
class of semigroups. Among other things, it includes all finite semigroups which
play a very important role in practical applications of the semigroup theory. Results
of his study of -regular semigroups are one of his greatest scientific contributions
Stojan’s specialty is the general structure theory of semigroups, where he published
a lot of high-quality articles which have promoted him to one of the leading
experts in theworld in this field.We single out two basic problemswhich engrossed
him. The first one is the decomposition problem which can be stated as: find a way
to break a semigroup in parts, with as simple as possible structure, then examine
these parts in detail, as well as relationships between the parts within the whole
semigroup. The second problem is the composition problem worded as follows: find
a way to build a semigroup with the desired properties from the given parts.
Stojan Bogdanovi´c not onlymade an immense contribution to the further development
of the known methods for decomposition and composition of semigroups,
but he has also introduced many new effective decomposition and composition
methods which have been applied to certain classes of semigroups. Undoubtedly,
the most important among them are methods for the decomposition of a semigroup
into a semilattice of completely archimedean semigroups. The first fundamental
results concerning such decompositions were announced by L. N. Shevrin
at the conference in 1977, but he has published detailed proofs after 17 years [Mat.
Stojan M. Bogdanovi´c – scientist, teacher, and poet 3
Sbornik 185 (8) (1994) 129–160; 185 (9) (1994) 153–176]. Other authors have tried to
study these decompositions building their ownmethodology, e.g., J. L.Galbiati and
M. L. Veronesi [Rend. Ist. Lomb. Cl. Sc. (A) 116 (1982) 180–189; Riv. Mat. Univ.
Parma (4) 10 (1984) 319-329], and others. Stojan began with research in this area
sometime about 1985 (cf. [38]). In a series of articles that were published later, he
and his coworkers managed to create their own methodology, which led not only
to the same results that were announced by Shevrin, but also to their significant
improvement. A complete theory of decompositions of a semigroup into a semilattice
of completely archimedean semigroups has been exposed for the first time in
the book [5].
Central place in Stojan’s study of decompositions of semigroups is held by the
general problems of the existence of the greatest decomposition of a given type, the
decomposition with the finest components, and characterization and construction
of the greatest decomposition, if it exists.Another important question iswhether the
given type of decomposition is atomic, i.e., whether the components of the greatest
decomposition of this type are indecomposable by means of decompositions of the
same type. Perhaps his greatest achievement is the theorempublished in [83]which
states that every semigroupwith zero can be decomposed into an orthogonal sumof orthogonally
indecomposable semigroups. The referee of this article said that “the result sounds
classically and it is amazing that no one has proved it for more than forty years,
when orthogonal decompositions were introduced”. In the semigroup theory only
five types of atomic decompositions are known so far. The atomicity of semilattice
decompositions was proved by Tamura [Osaka Math. J. 8 (1956) 243–261], of ordinal
decompositions by Lyapin [Semigroups, Fizmatgiz, Moscow, 1960], of the so-called
[-decompositions by Shevrin [Dokl. Akad.Nauk SSSR 138 (1961) 796–798], of orthogonal
decompositions by Bogdanovi´c and ´Ciri´c [83], whereas the atomicity of subdirect
decompositions follows by a more general result of universal algebra proved by
Birkhoff [Bull. AMS 50 (1944) 764–768].
Stojan Bogdanovi´c has also achieved outstanding results in the theory of the
greatest semilattice decomposition of semigroups. This theory has been developed
from the middle of 1950s to the middle of 1970s by T. Tamura, M. S. Putcha, and
others. For a long time after that there were no new results in this area. In the middle
of 1990s, Stojan and his coworkers initiated further development of this theory
by introducing completely new ideas and methodology. The most important
results were published in [88, 100, 119]. In the review of [88] in Mathematical Reviews,
the founder of this theory Tamura wrote that “the reviewer is impressed by
the fact that the greatest semilattice decomposition established 40 years ago has
been much developed to date”.
There is also a series of papers in which some syntactic properties of semigroup
identities (special arrangement of letters) have been studied from the aspect of
their influence on certain structural properties of semigroups and rings that satisfy
these identities (special types of decomposition), as well as from the aspect of their
validity on particular finite semigroups. Such questions have been discussed in
[72, 69, 75, 89, 121], in the case of semigroups, and in [86, 111], in the case of rings.
4 M. ´Ciri´c, J. Ignjatovi´c, and ˇZ. Popovi´c
In study of the composition methods, Stojan’s attention has been most focused
toward subdirect products, and in particular, toward pullback products. Pullback
products, in semigroup theory also known as the spined products, are not only easier
to construct than other subdirect products, but also preserve some properties of
semigroups which other subdirect products do not necessarily preserve, for example,
the complete regularity. In most cases, subdirect and pullback products have
been relatedto other important compositionmethods, band and semilattice compositions
determined by certain systems of homomorphisms (cf. [57, 71, 90, 91, 104]).
In [65] and other papers subdirect and pullback products have been related to retractive
extensions of certain types of semigroups. Band compositions determined
by systems of homomorphisms have been mostly studied in cases when the components
are monoids, and general constructions of bands and normal bands of
monoids were given in [54, 70]. Subdirect and pullback products have been also
studied from another aspect. As known, any representation of a semigroup in the
formof a subdirect or pullback product is determined by a certain systemof congruences
on this semigroup. Effective constructions of some such systems of congruences
on regular and completely regular semigroups have been given in [146] (see
also [117]), and in [110, 157] pullback products determined in that way have been
applied to study of the lattices of varieties of bands and lattices of varieties of
idempotent semirings.
In the second half of the 1990s, the research group led by Stojan Bogdanovi´c and
the first author of this article, redirected their research towards applications of the
semigroup theory and general algebraic systems in theoretical computer science.
Wide algebraic foundation was very fruitful in research in the theory of automata
and formal languages, as well as in other branches of theoretical computer science.
As a result, a comprehensive study of directable automata, and their generalizations
and specializations, was carried out (cf. [109, 112, 129, 130, 132, 133]). It turned out
that the considered classes of automata have very interesting algebraic properties,
which led to establishing Eilenberg-type correspondences between unary algebras,
automata, semigroups and congruences on free semigroups in [137, 142]. From the
aspect of their natural interpretation as a parallel composition of automata, subdirect
products of unary algebraswere studied inmany papers. The best resultswere
given in [114], where all subdirectly irreducible unary algebras were described usingmethodology
that comes both fromthe semigroup theory and universal algebra.
Research in the semigroup theory and the automata theory naturally led to numerous
questions concerning general algebraic systems, ordered sets and lattices,
and Stojan Bogdanovi´c devoted many articles to these questions. Perhaps his most
interesting result in these areas is one new equivalent of the famous Birkhoff Variety
Theorem, given in terms of properties of the congruence lattices of algebras,
published in [94]. In the reviewof [101] inMathematical Reviews, referring both to
results from[94] and [101],DavidHobby stressed that “one feels that they should be
part of the “folklore” of universal algebra”.
In themiddle of 2000s Stojan’s research group again changed themain direction
of research. Then the main topic of research became fuzzy automata, as a natural
Stojan M. Bogdanovi´c – scientist, teacher, and poet 5
generalization of ordinary deterministic and non-deterministic automata, and the
foundations were laid of the algebraic theory of fuzzy automata and languages
based on complete residuated lattices as the underlying structures of truth values.
Study of fuzzy automata required prior research in the theory of fuzzy relations, as
was done in [144, 148, 149, 156]. Applying the obtained results, the Myhill-Nerode
type theory for fuzzy automata and laguages has been developed [151], and a new
algorithm for determinization of fuzzy automata has been given [145].
Stojan alsowrote a lot of comprehensive survey articles. Themost important results
concerning uniformly -regular semigroups, i.e., semigroups decomposable
into a semilattice of completely archimedean semigroups, were collected in [69],
and in [111] these results were supplemented with some new results and the corresponding
results concerning rings. Articles [74, 79] give an overview of the main
results of the theory of greatest decomposition of semigroups, and deal with semilattice
and band decompositions, decompositions of semigroups with zero, and
others. Another approach to semilattice decompositions was presented in [105].
Two survey articles are devoted to automata. The article [106] discuss lattices of
subautomata and direct sum decompositions of automata, and [112] deals with
directable automata, their generalizations and specializations.
Stojan Bogdanovi´c published four scientific books [3, 4, 5, 6]. The first one, the
book [3],waswritten in English and has attracted considerable attention of authors
fromall over theworld. Itwas particularly popular amongChinese authors, and it is
the most cited Stojan’s publication.Material from [3] was later significantly expanded
and included in the book [5]. This book was written in Serbian, but it was
also widely used by foreign authors, especially by authors with good knowledge
of some of the Slavic languages. In the review of this book [Semigroup Forum 55
(1998) 297–299] Boris M. Schein noted that it is the eleventh monograph in the
general algebraic theory of semigroups, written in the fifth language (the previous
ten were written in Russian, English, Japanese, and Romanian). If the book was
written in English, it would certainly have much greater impact on science at the
international level, but writing the book in Serbian proved to be very useful for the
building of Serbian terminology in this area, where previously such terminology
did not exist.
Stojan’s scientific contribution is reflected not only in the above mentioned research
results, but also in his teaching and supervising work.He is equally brilliant
as a scientist and as a teacher. Thanks mostly to his inspiring lectures in basic abstract
algebra the first author decided to research in algebra, and already in the first
year of study of mathematics, he started joint research with Stojan. Stojan is even
more brilliant as a supervisor. We have not met anyone who has so much to offer
its students, andwho gives so unselfishly.Working with himis so easy. If you want
himto unselfishly introduce you to theworld of science, the only thing you have to
promise him is that you will tomorrow be so selfless to your students. We also remember
his words: “If you want to work with someone, then you must be a friend
with him, you must fully understand him, and you must respect his problems
and help him, both in professional and private life”. And then, it is not so hard to
publish more than one hundred joint articles with him, as the first author did.
6 M. ´Ciri´c, J. Ignjatovi´c, and ˇZ. Popovi´c
Key role in introducing young people in scientific research played a scientific
seminar, the idea that Stojan brought from his studies in Paris. When in 1982 he
began teaching algebra to students of mathematics at the University of Niˇs, with
Vladimir Rakoˇcevi´c he launched the Seminar for semigroup theory and functional equations.
Over time, two largest and the most activemathematical seminars and scientific
groups, not only at the University of Niˇs, but perhaps in the whole Serbia, resulted
from this seminar, one in functional analysis, and the other in algebra, and
later in theoretical computer science. Scientific seminars headed by Stojan, and
later by the first author of this article, led to 13 Ph.D. theses and 19 M.Sc. theses
defended (the number of Ph.D. theses is constantly increasing), with 6 Ph.D. theses
and 11 M.Sc. theses supervised by Stojan.
Stojan is not only an outstanding scientist and an excellent teacher, but also a
very successful and internationally recognized poet. He has published six books of
poems. His poems have been included in several anthologies and collections of the
modern Serbian poetry, as well as in several international anthologies, and they
have been translated into English, French, Romanian, Italian and Greek. He is a
member of the Association of Writers of Serbia. Apart from scientific and professional
articles and books of poetry, Stojan has published more than 50 articles and
essays in other areas, such as philosophy, literature, fine art, economics, politics, etc.
List of publications of Stojan Bogdanovi´c
I Theses
1. S. Bogdanovi´c: On a class of semigroups. M. Sc. Thesis, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences
and Mathematics, 1978 (in Serbian).
2. S. Bogdanovi´c: Contribution to the theory of regular semigroups. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Novi
Sad, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 1980 (in Serbian).
II Scientific Books
3. S. Bogdanovi´c: Semigroups with a System of Subsemigroups. Institute of Mathematics, University of
Novi Sad, 1985.
4. R. R. Stankovi´c, M. Stoji´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Fourier Representations of Signals, Nauˇcna knjiga,
Beograd, 1988 (in Serbian).
5. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Semigroups, Prosveta, Niˇs, 1993 (in Serbian).
6. M. ´Ciri´c, T. Petkovi´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Languages and Automata, Prosveta, Niˇs, 2000 (in Serbian).
7. S. Bogdanovi´c,M. ´Ciri´c, and ˇZ. Perovi´c (Eds.): Algebra, Logic and DiscreteMathematics. Papers from
the conference held at the University of Niˇs, Niˇs, April 14 -16, 1995 - special issue of Filomat (Niˇs)
9:3 (1995), vi + 581 pp.
III Research Papers
8. S. Bogdanovi´c, S. Mili´c, and V. Pavlovi´c: Anti-inverse semigroups. Publications de l’Institut Mathmatique
(Beograd) 24 (38) (1978), 19-29.
9. S. Bogdanovi´c and S. Crvenkovi´c: On some classes of semigroups. Zbornik radova PMF Novi Sad 8
(1978), 69–77.
10. S. Bogdanovi´c: Deux caracterizations des demigroupes anti-inverses. Zbornik radova PMF Novi Sad
8 (1978), 79–81.
11. S. Bogdanovi´c: On anti-inverse semigroups. Publications de l’Institut Mathmatique (Beograd) 25
(39) (1979), 25–31.
Stojan M. Bogdanovi´c – scientist, teacher, and poet 7
12. S.Mili´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: On a class of anti-inverse semigroups. Publications de l’InstitutMathmatique
(Beograd) 25 (39) (1979), 95–100.
13. S. Bogdanovi´c: (m,n )-ideaux et les demi-groupes (m,n)-reguliers. Zbornik radova PMF Novi Sad 9
(1979), 169–173.
14. S. Bogdanovi´c: A note on strongly reversible semiprimary semigroups. Publications de l’InstitutMathmatique
(Beograd) 28 (42) (1980), 19–23.
15. S. Bogdanovi´c: On r-semigroups. Zbornik radova PMF Novi Sad 10 (1980), 149–152 (in Serbian).
16. S. Bogdanovi´c: Sur les demi-groupes dans lesquels tous les sous-demi-groupes propres sont idempotent.
Math. Sem. Notes Kobe Univ. 9 (1981), 17–24.
17. S. Bogdanovi´c: On weakly commutative semigroups. Matematiˇcki Vesnik 5 (18) (33) (1981), 145–148
(in Serbian).
18. S. Bogdanovi´c: Sur les demi-groupes dans lesquels tous les sous-demi-groupes propres sont idempotent II.
Matematiˇcki Vesnik 5 (18) (33) (1981), 239–243.
19. S. Bogdanovi´c: Qr-semigroups. Publications de l’Institut Mathmatique (Beograd) 29 (43) (1981),
20. S. Bogdanovi´c: Some characterizations of bands of power joined semigroups. Proceeding of theAlgebraic
Conference 1981, Novi Sad, 121–125.
21. P. Proti´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: On a class of semigroups. Proceeding of the Algebraic Conference 1981,
Novi Sad, 113–119.
22. S. Bogdanovi´c: Semigroups in which some bi-ideal is a group. Zbornik radova PMFNovi Sad 11 (1981),
23. S. Bogdanovi´c: Bands of power joined semigroups. Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged) 44
(1982), 3–4.
24. S. Bogdanovi´c: On a problem of J.D.Ke´cki´c concerning semigroup functional equations. Proc. of the
Symp. n-ary Structures, Skopje, 1982, 17–19.
25. P. Proti´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: A structural theorem for (m,n )-ideal semigroups. Proc. of the Symp. n-ary
Structures, Skopje, 1982, 135–139.
26. S. Bogdanovi´c: Semigroups in which every proper left ideal is a left group. Notes on Semigroups
(Budapest) 8-4 (1982), 8–11.
27. S. Bogdanovi´c: The translational hull of a Rees semigroup over a monoid. Proc. Third Algebraic
Conference, Beograd, 1982, pp. 23–26.
28. S. Bogdanovi´c and S. Mili´c: (m,n)-ideal semigroups. Proc. Third Algebraic Conference, Beograd,
1982, pp. 35–39.
29. S. Bogdanovi´c, P. Krˇzovski, P. Proti´c, and B. Trpenovski: Bi- and quasi-ideal semigroups with nproperty.
Proc. Third Algebraic Conference, Beograd, 3-4, 1982, pp. 45–50.
30. S. Bogdanovi´c: Power regular semigroups. Zbornik radova PMF Novi Sad 12 (1982), 418–428.
31. S. Bogdanovi´c and S. Gilezan: Semigroups with completely simple kernel. Zbornik radova PMF Novi
Sad 12 (1982), 429–445.
32. S. Bogdanovi´c: Bands of periodic power joined semigroups. Math. Sem. Notes Kobe Univ. 10 (1982),
33. S. Bogdanovi´c: A note on power semigroups. Mathematica Japonica (28) 6 (1983), 725–727.
34. S. Bogdanovi´c: Semigroups whose proper ideals are archimedean semigroups. Zbornik radova PMF
Novi Sad 13 (1983), 289–296.
35. S. Bogdanovi´c and S.Mili´c: A nil-extension of a completely simple semigroup. Publications de l’Institut
Mathmatique (Beograd) 36 (50), 1984, 45–50.
36. S. Bogdanovi´c: Right -inverse semigroups. Zbornik radova PMF Novi Sad 14 (2) (1984), 187–195.
37. S. Bogdanovi´c: -inverse semigroups. Zbornik radova PMF Novi Sad 14 (2) (1984), 197–200.
38. S. Bogdanovi´c: Semigroups of Galbiati-Veronesi. Algebra and Logic, Zagreb, 1984, Novi Sad 1985,
39. S. Bogdanovi´c: Semigroups whose proper left ideals are commutative. Matematiˇcki Vesnik 37 (1985),
40. S. Bogdanovi´c: Inflation of a union of groups. Matematiˇcki Vesnik 37 (1985), 351–355.
41. P. Proti´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Some congruences on a strongly -inverse r-semigroup. Zbornik radova
PMF Novi Sad 15 (2) (1985), 79–89.
42. P. Proti´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Some congruences on a -regular semigroup.Note diMatematica (Lecce)
6 (1986), 253–272.
8 M. ´Ciri´c, J. Ignjatovi´c, and ˇZ. Popovi´c
43. S. Bogdanovi´c and S. Malinovi´c: (m, n)-two-sided pure semigroups. Comment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli
35 (2) (1986), 219–225.
44. S. Bogdanovi´c: On extensions of semirings determined by partial homomorphisms. Zbornik radova
Filozofskog fakulteta u Niˇsu 10 (1986), 185–188.
45. S. Bogdanovi´c and S. Mili´c: Inflations of semigroups. Publications de l’Institut Mathmatique
(Beograd) 41 (55) (1987), 63–73.
46. S. Bogdanovi´c: Semigroups of Galbiati-Veronesi II. Facta Universitatis (Niˇs), SeriesMathematics and
Informatics 2 (1987), 61–66.
47. S. Bogdanovi´c: Inflations of semigroups and semirings. Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Niˇsu,
Serija Matematika 1 (11) (1987), 61–66.
48. S. Bogdanovi´c: Generalized U-semigroups. Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Niˇsu, Serija
Matematika 2 (1988), 3–5.
49. S. Bogdanovi´c and T. Malinovi´c: Semigroups whose proper subsemigroups are (right) t-Archimedean.
Algebra and Logic, Cetinje, 1986, Novi Sad, 1988, 1–14.
50. S. Bogdanovi´c and B. Stamenkovi´c: Semigroups in which Sn+1 is a semilattice of right groups (Inflations
of a semilattice of right groups). Note diMatematica (Lecce) 8 (1988), 155–172.
51. S. Bogdanovi´c: Nil-extensions of a completely regular semigroup. Algebra and Logic, Sarajevo, 1987,
Univ. Novi Sad 1989, 7–15.
52. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Redei’s bands of periodic -groups. Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta
u Niˇsu, Serija Matematika 3 (1989), 31–42.
53. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Semigroups of Galbiati-Veronesi III (Semilattices of nil-extensions of left
and right groups). Facta Universitatis (Niˇs), Series Mathematics and Informatics 4 (1989), 1–14.
54. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Bands of monoids, Matematicki bilten. Kniga 9-10 (XXXV-XXXVI) 1985-
1986, Skopje 1989, 57–61.
55. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Rings whose multiplicative semigroups are nil-extensions of a union of
groups. Pure Mathematics and Applications, Series A 1 (3-4) (1990), 217–234.
56. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Un+1-semigroups. Contributions MANU XI 1-2 (1990), 9–23.
57. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Sturdy bands of semigroups. Collectanea Mathematica (Barcelona) 41
(2) (1990), 189–195.
58. S. Bogdanovi´c andM. ´Ciri´c: Band compositions determined by systems of monomorphisms. Ekonomske
teme 1 (1990), 75–82.
59. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: A nil-extension of a regular semigroup. Glasnik Matematicki, 25 (2)
(1991), 3–23.
60. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Tight semigroups. Publications de l’Institut Mathmatique (Beograd)
50 (64), (1991), 71–84.
61. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Semigroups in which the radical of every ideal is a subsemigroup. Zbornik
radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Niˇsu, Serija Matematika 6 (1992), 129–135.
62. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Right -inverse semigroups and rings. Zbornik radova Filozofskog
fakulteta u Niˇsu, Serija Matematika 6 (1992), 137-140.
63. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Inflations of a band of monoids. Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u
Niˇsu, Serija Matematika 6 (1992), 141–149.
64. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Retractive nil-extensions of regular semigroups I. Proceedings of the
Japan Academy, Series A, Mathematical Sciences 68 (5) (1992), 115–117.
65. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Retractive nil-extensions of regular semigroups II. Proceedings of the
Japan Academy, Series A, Mathematical Sciences 68 (6)(1992), 126–130.
66. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Primitive -regular semigroups. Proceedings of the Japan Academy,
Series A, Mathematical Sciences 68 (10) (1992), 334–337.
67. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: A note on -regular rings. Pure Mathematics and Applications, Series
A 3 (1-2) (1992), 39–42.
68. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Semigroups of Galbiati-Veronesi IV (Bands of nil-extensions of groups).
Facta Universitatis (Niˇs), Series Mathematics and Informatics 7 (1992), 23–35.
69. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Semilattices of Archimedean semigroups and (completely) -regular semigroups,
I (A survey). Filomat (Niˇs) 7 (1993), 1–40.
70. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Normal band compositions of semigroups. Proceedings of the Japan
Academy, Series A, Mathematical Sciences 69 (7) (1993), 256–261.
Stojan M. Bogdanovi´c – scientist, teacher, and poet 9
71. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Spined products of some semigroups. Proceedings of the Japan Academy,
Series A, Mathematical Sciences 69 (9) (1993), 357–362.
72. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Decompositions of semigroups induced by identities. Semigroup Forum
46 (1993), 329–346.
73. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Retractive nil-extensions of bands of groups. Facta Universitatis (Niˇs),
Series Mathematics and Informatics 8 (1993), 11-20.
74. S. Bogdanovi´c andM. ´Ciri´c: A new approach to some greatest decompositions of semigroups, (A survey).
Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 18 (3) (1994), 27-42.
75. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Nil-extensions of unions of groups induced by identities. Semigroup
Forum 48 (1994), 303–311.
76. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Chains of Archimedean semigroups (Semiprimary semigroups). Indian
Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 25 (3) (1994), 331–336.
77. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: The lattice of positive quasi-orders on a semigroup II. Facta Universitatis
(Niˇs), Series Mathematics and Informatics 9 (1994), 7–17.
78. S. Bogdanovi´c andM. ´Ciri´c: Power semigroups that are Archimedean. Filomat (Niˇs) 9:1 (1995), 57–62.
79. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Theory of greatest decompositions of semigroups, (A survey). in: Algebra,
logic and discrete mathematics (Niˇs, 1995), Filomat (Niˇs) 9:3 (1995), 385–426.
80. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Semilattices of weakly left Archimedean semigroups. in: Algebra, logic
and discrete mathematics (Niˇs, 1995), Filomat (Niˇs) 9:3 (1995), 603–610.
81. S. Bogdanovi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, and M. Mitrovi´c: Semilattices of hereditary Archimedean semigroups. in:
Algebra, logic and discrete mathematics (Niˇs, 1995), Filomat (Niˇs) 9:3 (1995), 611–617.
82. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Semilattices of nil-extensions of rectangular groups. Publicationes Mathematicae
Debrecen 47 (3-4) (1995), 229–235.
83. S. Bogdanovi´c andM. ´Ciri´c: Orthogonal sums of semigroups. Israel Journal ofMathematics 90 (1995),
84. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Positive quasi-orders with the common multiple property on a semigroup.
in: Proc. of the Math. Conf. in Pristina 1994, Lj. D. Kocinac ed., Pristina 1995, 1–6.
85. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Decompostitons of semigroups with zero. Publications de l’Institut
Mathmatique (Beograd) 57 (71) (1995), 111–123.
86. M. ´Ciri´c, S. Bogdanovi´c, and T. Petkovi´c: Rings satisfying some semigroup identities.Acta Scientiarum
Mathematicarum (Szeged) 61 (1995), 123–137.
87. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Orthogonal sums of 0--simple semigroups.ActaMathematicaHungarica
70 (3) (1996), 199–205.
88. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Semilattice decompositions of semigroups. Semigroup Forum 52 (1996),
89. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Identities over the twoelement alphabet. Semigroup Forum 52 (1996),
90. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Subdirect products of a band and a semigroup. Portugaliae Mathematica
53 (1) (1996), 117–128.
91. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Strong bands of groups of left quotients. Glasgow Mathematical Journal
38 (1996), 237–242.
92. S. Bogdanovi´c andM. ´Ciri´c: A note on left regular semigroups. PublicationesMathematicaeDebrecen
48 (3-4) (1996), 285–291.
93. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: 0-Archimedean semigroups. Indian Journal of Pure and AppliedMathematics
27 (5) (1996), 463–468.
94. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Posets of C-congruences. Algebra Universalis 36 (1996), 423–424.
95. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Ordinal decompositions of semigroups. Publications of the Faculty of
Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Series Mathematics 7 (1996), 30–33.
96. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Direct sums of nil-rings and of rings with Clifford’s multiplicative semigroups.
Mathematica Balkanica (N.S.) 10 (1996), 65-71.
97. M. ´Ciri´c , S. Bogdanovi´c, and T. Petkovi´c: The lattice of positive quasi-orders on an automaton. Facta
Universitatis (Niˇs), Series Mathematics and Informatics 11 (1996), 143–156.
98. S. Bogdanovi´c andM. ´Ciri´c: Power semigroups that are Archimedean II. Filomat (Niˇs) 10 (1996), 87–92.
99. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: A note on radicals of Green’s relations. Pure Mathematics and Applications
7 (3-4) (1996), no. 3-4, 215–219.
10 M. ´Ciri´c, J. Ignjatovi´c, and ˇZ. Popovi´c
100. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: The lattice of positive quasi-orders on a semigroup. Israel Journal of
Mathematics 98 (1997), 157–166.
101. S. Bogdanovi´c andM. ´Ciri´c: A note on congruences on algebras. in: Proc. of IIMath. Conf. in Pristina
1996, Lj. D. Kocinac ed., Pristina, 1997, pp. 67–72.
102. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Semilattices of left completely Archimedean semigroups. Mathematica
Moravica 1 (1997), 11–16.
103. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Generation of positive lower-potent half-congruences. Southeast Asian
Bulletin of Mathematics 21 (1997), 227–231.
104. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: More on normal band compositions of semigroups. Facta Universitatis
(Niˇs), Series Mathematics and Informatics 12 (1997) 15–21.
105. S. Bogdanovi´c andM. ´Ciri´c: Quasi-orders and semilattice decompositions of semigroups, (A survey). in:
Semigroups, Proceedings of the International Conference in Semigroups and its Related Topics,
Kunming, China, 1995, (K. P. Shum, Y. Guo, M. Ito and Y. Fong, eds.) Springer-Verlag, 1998, pp.
106. M. ´Ciri´c, S. Bogdanovi´c, and T. Petkovi´c: The lattice of subautomata of an automaton - A survey.
Publications de l’Institut Mathmatique (Beograd) 64 (78) (1998), 165–182.
107. S. Bogdanovi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, and B. Novikov: Bands of left Archimedean semigroups. Publicationes
Mathematicae Debrecen 52 (1-2) (1998), 85–101.
108. M. ´Ciri´c , S. Bogdanovi´c, and J. Kovaˇcevi´c: Direct sum decompositions of quasi-ordered sets and their
applications. Filomat (Niˇs) 12:1 (1998), 65–82.
109. T. Petkovi´c,M. ´Ciri´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Decompositions of automata and transition semigroups. Acta
Cybernetica (Szeged) 13 (1998), 385–403.
110. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: The lattice of varieties of bands. in: Semigroups and Applications,
Proceedings of the Conference in St. Andrews, 1997 (J. M. Howie and N. Ruskuc, eds.), World
Scientific, 1998, pp. 47–61.
111. S. Bogdanovi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, and T. Petkovi´c: Uniformly -regular rings and semigroups: A survey. in:
Four Topics in Mathematics, Zbornik radova 9 (17), Matematiˇcki Institut SANU, Beograd, 1999,
112. S. Bogdanovi´c, B. Imreh, M. ´Ciri´c, and T. Petkovi´c: Directable automata and their generalizations
A survey, in: S. Crvenkovic and I. Dolinka (eds.), Proc. VIII Int. Conf. ”Algebra and Logic” (Novi
Sad, 1998), Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 29 (2) (1999), 31–74.
113. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: The lattice of semilattice-matrix decompositions of semigroups. Rocky
Mountain Journal of Mathematics 29 (4) (1999), 1225–1235.
114. S. Bogdanovi´c,M. ´Ciri´c, T. Petkovi´c, B. Imreh, andM. Steinby: Traps, cores, extensions and subdirect
decompositions of unary algebras. Fundamenta Informaticae 38 (1-2) (1999), 51–60.
115. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Radicals of Green’s relations. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 49
(124) (1999), 683-688.
116. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Lattices of subautomata and direct sumdecompositions of automata.Algebra
Colloquium 6 (1) (1999), 71–88.
117. M. ´Ciri´c, S. Bogdanovi´c, and ˇZ. Popovi´c: On nil-extensions of rectangular groups. Algebra Colloquium
6 (2) (1999), 205-213.
118. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. ´Ciri´c: Remarks on Gamma semigroups and their generalizations. Pure Mathematics
and Applications 10 (1) (1999), 17–22.
119. S. Bogdanovi´c,M. ´Ciri´c and ˇZ. Popovi´c: Semilattice decompositions of semigroups revisited. Semigroup
Forum 61 (2000), 263–276.
120. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: A five-element Brandt semigroup as a forbidden divisor. Semigroup Forum
61 (2000), 363–372.
121. M. ´Ciri´c, T. Petkovi´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Semigroups satisfying some variable identities. in: Semigroups,
Proceedings of the International Conference in Braga, Portugal, 1999 (P. Smith, E. Giraldes
and P. Martins, eds.),World Scientific, 2000, pp. 44–53.
122. M. Mitrovic, S. Bogdanovi´c, and M. ´Ciri´c: Locally uniformly -regular semigroups. in: Semigroups,
Proceedings of the International Conference in Braga, Portugal, 1999 (P. Smith, E. Giraldes and P.
Martins, eds.),World Scientific, 2000, pp. 106–113.
123. M. ´Ciri´c , S. Bogdanovi´c and T. Petkovi´c: Sums and limits of generalized direct families of algebras.
Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 25 (2001), 47–60.
Stojan M. Bogdanovi´c – scientist, teacher, and poet 11
124. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Quasi-semilattice decompositions of semigroups with zero. Algebras,
Groups and Geometries 18 (1) (2001), 27–34.
125. S. Bogdanovi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, and N. Stevanovi´c: Semigroups in which any proper ideal is semilattice indecomposable.
in: A tribute to S. B. Preˇsi´c. Papers celebrating his 65th birthday, Beograd: Matematiˇcki
Institut SANU, 2001, pp. 94–98.
126. M. ´Ciri´c, T. Petkovi´c, S. Bogdanovi´c, andM. Bogdanovi´c: Remarks on power automata. Filomat (Niˇs)
15 (2001), 99–109.
127. S. Bogdanovi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, and A. Stamenkovi´c: Primitive idempotents in semigroups. Mathematica
Moravica 5 (2001), 7–18.
128. J. Kovaˇcevi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, T. Petkovi´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Decompositions of automata and reversible
states. Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 60 (3-4) (2002), 587–602.
129. ˇZ. Popovi´c, S. Bogdanovi´c, T. Petkovi´c, andM. ´Ciri´c: Trapped automata. PublicationesMathematicae
Debrecen 60 (3-4) (2002), 661–677.
130. T. Petkovi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Characteristic semigroups of directable automata. in: M.
Ito (ed.) et al., Developments in language theory, DLT 2002, Kyoto, Japan, 2002, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 2450 (2003), 417–427.
131. S. Bogdanovi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, and M. Mitrovi´c: Semilattices of nil-extensions of simple regular semigroups.
Algebra Colloquium 10 (1) (2003), 81–90.
132. S. Bogdanovi´c,M. ´Ciri´c, B. Imreh, T. Petkovi´c, andM. Steinby: On local properties of unary algebras.
Algebra Colloquium 10 (4) (2003), 461–478.
133. ˇZ. Popovi´c, S. Bogdanovi´c, T. Petkovi´c, and M. ´Ciri´c: Generalized directable automata. in: Words,
languages and combinatorics, III, Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium in Kyoto,
Japan, (M. Ito and T. Imaoka, eds.),World Scientific, 2003, pp. 378–395.
134. S. Bogdanovi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, and M. Mitrovi´c: Semigroups satisfying certain regularity conditions. in:
Advances In Algebra, Proceedings of the ICM Satellite Conference in Algebra and Related Topics
inHong Kong, 2002, (K. P. Shum, Z. X.Wan and J-P. Zhang, eds.),World Scientific, 2003, pp. 46–59.
135. T. Petkovi´c,M. ´Ciri´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Words and forbidden subwords. TUCS General Publication
27 (2003), 125–134.
136. S. Bogdanovi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, P. Stanimirovi´c, and T. Petkovi´c: Linear equations and regularity conditions
on semigroups. Semigroup Forum 69 (2004), 63–74.
137. T. Petkovi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Unary algebras, semigroups and congruences on free semigroups.
Theoretical Computer Science 324 (2004), 87–105.
138. T. Petkovi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Minimal forbidden subwords. Information Processing
Letters 92 (2004), 211–218.
139. M. Bogdanovi´c, S. Bogdanovi´c, T. Petkovi´c, and M. ´Ciri´c: Necks of automata. Novi Sad Journal of
Mathematics 34 (2004), No. 2, 5–15.
140. ˇZ. Popovi´c, S. Bogdanovi´c, and M. ´Ciri´c: A note on semilattice decompositions of completely -regular
semigroups. Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 34 (2004), No. 2, 167–174.
141. P. Stanimirovi´c, S. Bogdanovi´c, and M. ´Ciri´c: Adjoint mappings and inverses of matrices. Algebra
Colloquium 13 (3) (2006), 421–432.
142. T. Petkovi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: On correspondences between unary algebras, automata,
semigroups and congruences. Algebra Colloquium 13 (3) (2006), 495-506.
143. M. ´Ciri´c, T. Petkovi´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: A note on subdirect products of unary algebras. Czechoslovak
Mathematical Journal 57 (132) (2007), 573–578.
144. M. ´Ciri´c, J. Ignjatovi´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Fuzzy equivalence relations and their equivalence classes.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 158 (2007), 1295–1313.
145. J. Ignjatovi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Determinization of fuzzy automata with membership values
in complete residuated lattices. Information Sciences 178 (2008), 164-180.
146. M. ´Ciri´c, ˇZ. Popovi´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Effective subdirect decompositions of regular semigroups.
Semigroup Forum 77 (2008) 500-519.
147. S. Bogdanovi´c and ˇZ. Popovi´c: Bands of semigroups. Faculty of Economics, Niˇs, Proceedings of
the project ”Harmonization of economic and legal regulation of the Republic of Serbia with the
European Union”, Book II, 2008-2009, pp. 253–269.
148. M. ´Ciri´c, J. Ignjatovi´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Uniform fuzzy relations and fuzzy functions. Fuzzy Sets
and Systems 160 (2009) 1054-1081.
12 M. ´Ciri´c, J. Ignjatovi´c, and ˇZ. Popovi´c
149. J. Ignjatovi´c,M. ´Ciri´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Fuzzy homomorphisms of algebras. Fuzzy Sets and Systems
160 (2009), 2345-2365.
150. S. Bogdanovi´c, and M. ´Ciri´c, ˇZ. Popovi´c: Power semigroups that are 0-Archimedean. Mathematica
Moravica 13:1 (2009) 25–28.
151. J. Ignjatovi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, S. Bogdanovi´c, and T. Petkovic: Myhill-Nerode type theory for fuzzy languages
and automata. Fuzzy Sets and Systems (2009), doi: 10.1016/j.fss.2009.06.007.
152. S. Bogdanovi´c, ˇZ. Popovi´c, and M. ´Ciri´c: Bands of k-Archimedean semigroups. Semigroup Forum
(2010), doi:10.1007/s00233-010-9208-3.
153. M. ´Ciri´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Fuzzy social network analysis. GodiˇsnjakUˇciteljskog fakulteta u Vranju,
Vranje, 2010.
154. S. Bogdanovi´c, ˇZ. Popovi´c, and M. ´Ciri´c: Bands of -simple semigroups. submitted to Algebra
155. S. Bogdanovi´c, ˇZ. Popovi´c, and M. ´Ciri´c: The Lallement’s lemma. submitted to Novi Sad Journal of
156. J. Ignjatovi´c, M. ´Ciri´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: On the greatest solutions to weakly linear systems of fuzzy
relation inequalities and equations. submitted to Fuzzy Sets and Systems.
157. N. Damljanovi´c,M. ´Ciri´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Congruence openings of additive Green’s relations on an
idempotent semiring. submitted to Semigroup Forum.
IV Other Papers
158. S. Bogdanovi´c: On vector spaces. Prosvetni pregled, Beograd , 01.03.1972 (in Serbian).
159. S. Bogdanovi´c: About modernization of mathematics. Prosvetni pregled, Beograd , 1973 (in Serbian)
160. S. Bogdanovi´c: The Cosinus Theorem. Prosvetni pregled, Beograd , 11.04.1974 (in Serbian).
161. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. R. Taskovi´c: S. Mili´c – Elements of Mathematical Logic and Set Theory. (Book
Review) Misao, Novi Sad, 25.03.1984 (in Serbian).
162. S. Bogdanovi´c: Only commission is silent. Politika, Beograd , 10.07.1988 (in Serbian).
163. B. Krsti´c, S. Bogdanovi´c, and E. Todorovi´c: Banking activities optimisation by linear programming
application. Upravlenski i marketingovi aspekti na razvitieto na balkanskite strani, UNSS, Sofija,
Ekonomski fakulet, Niˇs, Kranevo, 2001, 41–51.
164. B. Krsti´c, S. Bogdanovi´c, and S. Marinkovi´c: The role of banks in corporate governance. Sbornik
dokladi, Ravda, 11-14.IX 2002, UNSS, Sofija, 2003, 78–87.
165. S. Bogdanovi´c and N. Malinovi´c-Jovanovi´c: Taxonomic model and the degree of realization of tasks of
teaching mathematics in the third grade of primary school. Pedagogy (Beograd) 64 (4) (2009), 618–631
(in Serbian).
V Textbooks
166. S. Bogdanovi´c: Matematika. Nota, Knjaˇzevac, 1988, 230 p.
167. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. Milojevi´c: Matematika za studente ekonomije. Prosveta, Niˇs, 1992, 229 p.
168. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. Milojevi´c: Matematika za studente ekonomije. Prosveta, Niˇs, 1994, 229 p;
Second Edition.
169. M. Milojevi´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Zbirka reˇsenih zadataka za studente ekonomije. Prosveta, Niˇs, 1994,
339 p.
170. M. Milojevi´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Zbirka reˇsenih zadataka za studente ekonomije. Prosveta, Niˇs, 1995,
339 p. Second Edition.
171. S. Bogdanovi´c, M. Milojevi´c, and N. Stojkovi´c: Priru´cnik za pripremanje klasifikacionog ispita iz
Matematike. Prosveta, Niˇs, 1995, 59 p.
172. S. Bogdanovi´c, P. Proti´c, and B. Stamenkovi´c: Matematika I. Prosveta, Niˇs, 1995, 1-402p.
173. S. Bogdanovi´c andM.Milojevi´c: Matematika za studente ekonomije. Prosveta, Niˇs, 1996, 229 p, Third
174. M. Milojevi´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Zbirka reˇsenih zadataka za studente ekonomije. Prosveta, Niˇs, 1996,
339 p.; Third Edition.
175. S. Bogdanovi´c and M. Milojevi´c: Matematika za studente ekonomije. Prosveta, Niˇs, 1997, 229 p,
Fourth Edition.
176. M. Milojevi´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Zbirka reˇsenih zadataka za studente ekonomije. Prosveta, Niˇs, 1997,
339 p.; Fourth Edition.
177. S. Bogdanovi´c, P. Proti´c, and B. Stamenkovi´c: Matematika I. Prosveta, Niˇs, 1997, 1-402p.; Second
Stojan M. Bogdanovi´c – scientist, teacher, and poet 13
178. S. Bogdanovi´c, M. Milojevi´c, and N. Stojkovi´c: Priru´cnik za pripremanje klasifikacionog ispita iz
Matematike. Prosveta, Niˇs, 1998, 59 p.; Second Edition.
179. M. Milojevi´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Zbirka reˇsenih zadataka za studente ekonomije. Prosveta, Niˇs, 2001,
339 p.; Fifth Edition.
180. S. Bogdanovi´c, M. Milojevi´c and N. Stojkovi´c: Priru´cnik za pripremanje klasifikacionog ispita iz
Matematike. Prosveta, Niˇs, 2002, 59 p. Third Edition.
181. S. Bogdanovi´c,M.Milojevi´c and ˇZ. Popovi´c: Matematika za studente ekonomije. Ekonomski fakultet,
Niˇs, 2002, 366 p.
182. S. Bogdanovi´c, M.Milojevi´c, ˇZ. Popovi´c and N. Stojkovi´c: Zbirka zadataka iz matematike za prijemni
ispit na Ekonomskom fakultetu. Ekonomski fakultet, Niˇs, 2003, 66 p.
183. M. Milojevi´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Zbirka reˇsenih zadataka za studente ekonomije. Prosveta, Niˇs, 2004,
339 p.; Sixth Edition.
184. S. Bogdanovi´c, M.Milojevi´c, ˇZ. Popovi´c and N. Stojkovi´c: Zbirka zadataka iz matematike za prijemni
ispit na Ekonomskom fakultetu. Ekonomski fakultet, Niˇs, 2005, 66 p.; Second Edition.
185. M. Milojevi´c and S. Bogdanovi´c: Zbirka reˇsenih zadataka za studente ekonomije. Prosveta, Niˇs, 2006,
339 p.; Seventh Edition.
186. S. Bogdanovi´c,M.Milojevi´c, and ˇZ. Popovi´c: Matematika za studente ekonomije. Ekonomski fakultet,
Niˇs, 2006, 366 p.; Second Edition.
187. S. Bogdanovi´c,M.Milojevi´c, ˇZ. Popovi´c, and N. Stojkovi´c: Zbirka zadataka iz matematike za prijemni
ispit na Ekonomskom fakultetu. Ekonomski fakultet, Niˇs, 2007, 66 p.; Third Edition.
188. S. Bogdanovi´c,M.Milojevi´c, ˇZ. Popovi´c, and N. Stojkovi´c: Zbirka zadataka iz matematike za prijemni
ispit na Ekonomskom fakultetu. Ekonomski fakultet, Niˇs, 2009, 70 p.; Foutrh Edition.
189. S. Bogdanovi´c, M. Milojevi´c, ˇZ. Popovi´c, and N. Stojkovi´c: Matematika. Ekonomski fakultet, Niˇs,
2009, 451 p.
190. M. Milojevi´c, ˇZ. Popovi´c, and S. Bogdanovi´c: Ekonomske funkcije. Ekonomski fakultet, Niˇs, 2010,
357 p.
Miroslav ´Ciri´c
Department of Mathematics and Informatics
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
University of Niˇs
Viˇsegradska 33, 18000 Niˇs, Serbia
Jelena Ignjatovi´c
Department of Mathematics and Informatics
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
University of Niˇs
Viˇsegradska 33, 18000 Niˇs, Serbia
ˇZarko Popovi´c
Faculty of Economics
University of Niˇs
Trg Kralja Aleksandra 11, 18000 Niˇs, Serbia

недеља, 19. март 2023.





Весна Капор[1], Небо, тако дубоко: писма за Тару, Београд: Српска књижевна задруга, 2021.


              Време не постоји, али се може поделити на болест, смрт и тугу. Није случајно што се црквени обреди дешавају онако како се дешавају: Сахрана, прва субота, четрдесетица, пола године, година, плус задушнице. Све је то осмишљено да би се заборављању омогућило да одради свој посао. Да се човеку олакша душевни бол. То је укратко редослед дешавања у роману Весне Капор који је повод за овај наш текст. Зебња, страх од болести, па од смрти, смрт. Зебња се претвара у тугу која је све дубља и дубља. Све више боли. Туга се изливала. Жуч, од пролога до епилога.

             Тужбалица је видљива. Улога нарикаче одувек је намењена мајци, али овде од нарицања нису изузети ни отац, па ни нараторка. Плач, плач и само плач. Искрен да будем био сам неколико пута на ивици. Нисам пустио сузу, али ме је заболео стомак. Ни сода ни ранитидин ми нису помогли. Сео сам и применио методологију из романа: писати уместо плакати. И ево...

            Тужбалица је стара појава. Захтевна је за књижевну обраду, али је и у нас било вредних остварења. И највећи српски песник Петар Други Петровић Његош се опробао. Подсетимо на „Сестру Батрићеву“ из Горског вијенца. Ако се за тужбалицу може рећи да је лепа, онда је Његошева „Сестра Батрићева“ међу најлепшима на свету. И овај роман тужбалица Весне Капор је пун као нар. И не може се очас прочитати. А када се вратите, када вам се учини да нешто нисте разумели, онда се деси да то уђе још дубље у главу, и после данима то носите. Као онај страх од болести, од смрти. Као оно да је „страх увек храна за несрећу“. Као оно да је „Људска немоћ страшнa“. Страшно.

            „Заробио нас је овај век. Век морања.“ Кажу да није тешко оно што се мора. А мени је то најтеже. „Проширио се космос људских сазнања, али одјек празнине путује с краја на крај света... Немам више времена, а немате га ни ви. Нико нема времена. Дајте, онда, да у том теснацу, између морања и немања, нађемо, бар, праве речи. Једни за друге. За себе. Заувек.“[2]

            Време је опасна категорија. Време је дубоко као небо. Ако погледате само крајичком  ока у небо може се десити да се удавите у његову дубину. Пустите ви астрономе, они се не баве тражењем себе, јер је то тешко, веома тешко, они траже нове звезде, траже нове објекте, а понеки од њих траже си ђавола. Они који се изгубе у времену које и, руку на срце, не постоји, тим истим временом изгубе своју душу, своје постојање.

             Болећивост и патетика ме нервирају чак и када је све одлично спаковано. Немам појма зашто, а не морам ни да се правдам нити да нешто објашњавам. А има ли тога у овој књизи. Има и те како, има да изазива сузе, а некима и бес. Рекосмо ли да је реч о тужбалици. Дакле, мора.

           Неки би се питали и зашто ово читам. Кад човек има пријатеље, онда мора свашта да истрпи. Пријатељство је више од крвне везе. Духовно је на вишем нивоу и мора се стално заливати. Осим тога пријатељство делује лековито. Спречава чир у желуцу. Спречава човека да полуди, да се убије. Спречава га да другоме напакости...

             „Како се приближавало време да се у заљуљани, ужурбани свет изнесе ова прича, зебла сам.“ Зебња је излазила из свих ствари које човека окружују. Оне нас подсећају на човекову сумњу у своју моћ за превазилажење времена. Ауторка је успела да размрси „чвор овог и оног времена“. Тако је морало да буде иако ја сумњам у морање. И не волим морање. Мрзим морање. А „Морање и стицање, угаони су камен наших дана.“

            И раније сам негде прозубио да је трагедија најбољи камен за зидање књижевног дела. Тврд је, тражи муку. Али када се кућа сагради, поред тога што је лепа она је и дуготрајна. Па ако хоћете и вечите куће се граде од камена, због тога што су људи утувили да ће камен сачувати трагедију. Да ће камен сачувати мисао и сећање. Дакле, трагедија. А камен ће подупирати небо које је тако дубоко. И свима се чини да ће то вечно трајати иако знају да неће.

             „А, небо је тако дубоко.“ А романчић је тако кратак. Иако се много разликује од неромана „Унутрашње море“, морам рећи овде да је ауторкина срећа да није роман штампан у време Иве Андрића јер би га одбили у свакој конкуренцији романа, тј. рекли би да није роман зато што је прича кратка. Кратка прича садржи неколико паралених прича, причу девојчице која током приче умире, причу мајке, причу оца и причу ауторке.

               Методологија је позната и користили су је велики писци као што су Хесе, Шћепановић... мада су они и таксативно наглашавали параленост. Метод је познат, али за извођење дела то није довољно. Морам истаћи да је овде то мајсторски изведено да би се дочарала туга и сав кошмар који се дешава у главама родитеља током болести њиховог детета, а тек каква је мука када се оконча живот детета – „одлазак, бескрај, вечност и слично“.

            Није наша врла списатељица Весна Капор прескочила ни бомбардовање, а ни друга дешавања која дочаравају амбијент у коме се одвија радња романа.

            Почела је са Десанкиним стихом „Немам више времена“, а са њиме је некако и завршила, с тим што је додала „а немате га ни ви“. А додатак је овде где се говори да је време чудо: „Дани пролазе брзо; дани стоје. Време је енигма.“ као реп комете, без њега комета и не би била комета. У овом апсурду „дани стоје“, „дани пролазе брзо“ се такође налази велика мука, она душевна, која је свакао већа од сваке физичке муке. То је то што разликује писца од писца. Па се може рећи да је неко писац, а да је онај други танак. Весна Капор је озбиљан писац. Намерно сам овде употребио мушки род. Знам да није популарно, али ја тако мислим. 

             Све дубље тонем у Небо.

             Прича је о животу. Није о смрти. Смрт је споменута ан пасан. Људи мисле да је смрт гадна и избегавју је колико год могу. Али тешко је то. Она је саставни део живота. Неки чак тврде да је она круна живота зато што се она појављује на крају представе о животу. У овом роману тужбалици Весна Капор  пише о животу: „Живот се расцепи за трен.“[3] Па има и оваквих песимистичких ставова: „Ништа није трајно у човековом животу; све бежи од човека.“[4] А човек целог свог живота бежи од смрти. И тај бег није успео ниједном човеку. Стога и важи херaклитовска тврдња Весне Капор да „ништа није трајно у човековом животу“. 

             „И мада се чини да свет иде напред, мислим, да он тапка у месту. Живот без препрека  нема вредност. Без страдања нема вечности.“ Није ми баш јасно зашто се сви хватају за вечност. Ваљда мисле ако траже више да ће добити бар мало. Вечност је смишљена када је људски живот (физички) био релативно кратак. Сада се живот продужио, близу је века. Крајње је време да се истакне неки нови захтев.

             А ако се под вечношћу подразумева бесконачност, онда је тај захтев без везе. Бесконачно је у математици фиктиван елемент који служи само да затвори теоријску рупу. Тако је и у религијама. Бесконачност је резервисана за Бога. Иначе би пропала доктрина. Ко би упражњавао такву доктрину у којој се зна да ће Бог напустити свет. Чим је Исусу било допуштено да васкрсне тог тренутка је свет оживео. Али да ће се вратити у то се може веровати. Мада има и тврђења да је побегао. Пробао је да буде човек и видео да је то немогуће. Због тога се винуо у небо, тако дубоко. Људима је остало страдање, патња, туга... Људи тапкају, а неки и живе свој живот по утапканом, (с)трпљењем, страдањем и с тугом сећајући се својих најмилијих продужујући им живот.

            Овде се истиче да време „истиче“. Није речено да време тече, него „истиче“. То важи за сваког. Свакоме време „истиче“. Негде је брже негде спорије. Некад је краће а некад дуже. Никада није дугачко. Беконачност је само једна безвезна фикција.  Време се може вратити само у мислима и док се враћа оно истиче. О томе је роман, о истицању. Човек живи у свом нестајању. И када други нестају и тада човек нестаје. Како рече Хемингвеј „звони за тобом“. А „људска немоћ је страшна“[5].  Све ју  пролазности: „Безброј је речи остало. Речених и неизречених.“[6]

             Суштина живота јесте у пролазности и у страдању у тој пролазности. Чак су смислили и да се због љубави страда, те да је то чак и узвишено. И Шекспир је насео. Уосталом он и није био оригиналан. И религија, хајде да не идемо даље, наша, јер све су прављене на исти калуп, инсистира на трпљењу и страдању. Мислим да је то у њој из разлога поробљавања, али то би била тема за други пут. Ја не мислим тако. Ја мислим да треба живети због љубави, а не због ње страдати, или настрадати.

                  Проблем је што је живот конципиран као страдање и то су регистровали сензори наше ауторке и на томе је заснован и изведен овај роман. На страдању и на трпљењу. У таквој доктрини живимо. Питање је да ли доктрина може изменити живљење. Можда би требало променити човека. Али наука није успела да направи живот. А и не верујем да ће моћи. Зна се од којих елемената је сатављен живот, али се од тих елемената не може направити живот. Зна се да човек може окончати живот. Дакле, живот може уништити живот. И само он то може. Живот је уништитељ. Он сам себе трпи. Где нема живота ту је мир. Живот је немир. Чак и туговање је немир, мада се спроводи у тишини. То је спољашња тишина, а унутра ради вулкан као онај под морем. Некад се примете вибрације. А некад све ври у тишини.

             Весна Капор провиђењем је наишла на тугу, ухватила је за руку и повела, провела ју је кроз целу причу. Широко нам је отворила прозор да бисмо видели Небо, тако дубоко.



(Бања Лука, Нова стварност, 10-11/2023, 101-104)



[1] Весна Капор је за овај роман добила престижну награду „Меша Селимовић“. Она је добитница награда „Лаза Костић“, „Милош Црњански“, „Данко Поповић“ и „Кондир Косовке девојке“.

[2] Стр. 6.

[3] Стр. 28.

[4] Стр. 22.

[5] Стр. 36

[6] Стр.51.


Стојан Богдановић     Овде неће бити речи о трагедији као књижевном делу, нити о њеној структури, нити о њеном историјском усавршавању и...